Healing Circles at Wild Rose in Danvers, MA.

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Date(s) - 10/06/2024
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Wild Rose Holistic Health

Healing Circle:
Time: 4pm-6pm
Cost: $55
Location: Wild Rose Holistic Health, Danvers, MA
*Pre-registration for this event is required. Space is limited so please email Sue at sue@sueangelo.com to save your spot! Payment can be made via cash or Venmo, @Susan-Angelo-7, at the time of the event. 

Join Sue Angelo for a transformative healing circle, drawing inspiration from diverse shamanic traditions to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. Sue will create and hold sacred space for you to experience a deep connection to your inner-self. This healing circle will include individual hands-on healing and revitalizing sound and channeling to restore and rebalance your energy fields. Open your heart to receive—no prior experience required.