Sue headshots Round-09


Shamanic Spirit Song was inspired by seeing the deep need for people to connect to their hearts and Mother Earth. By connecting our own heartbeats to the heartbeat of the Earth, the awareness that we are all intertwined and one with nature is palpable. Through this awareness of the world, spirit and consciousness around us, transformation, joy and a fully expressed life is inevitable.

Sue believes being witnessed and held in community amplifies the healing and change we all crave. By partnering with each other and nature, this work can be done more powerfully and gracefully.

For many years, Sue lived by survival instinct and fear. Ten years ago, Sue reached a turning point. Sue like many found herself seeking more joy, meaning and a healthier relationship with herself and others. Though indigenous and shamanic teachings her life has been profoundly changed and now she is inspired to work with others committed to realizing their authentic selves and deepest desires.

More About Sue

As long term professional in women’s health as a mammography technologist, Sue has always had a passion for helping people through the health process. This expanded during her 30 years to include a growing exploration of alternative techniques and more heartful ways to navigate our health care process.

She became a Reiki Master while studying with her teacher, Lisa Campion, with whom she also trained in Psychic Development. Sue attended the three-year Healer Training Program at Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine School, and became a Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner. Sue studied with Initiated Elder Ann Sousa learning the Divination Cloth and the Dagara Cosmology which comes from Malidoma Some and Burkia Faso in West Africa. She also studied The Four Forces and the principles and skills of conscious evolution with Trish Blain. And was trained to gift the Munay-Ki Rites by Heather Ensworth,PhD and Gail Byrnes, Mac, Lic.Ac. at the Rising Moon Healing Center.

Sue has explored many different modalities, however when she was introduced to indigenous teachings, there was a heart knowing that she had found a significant path to personal transformation. She began to seriously study and learn about the Native American, West African, and Peruvian Traditions of Shamanism. The rituals she experienced with these Shamanic traditions helped to shift her old wounds in profound ways.

Her connection to the Earth and Nature deepened as she developed into a Shamanic Practitioner. Sue is committed to these studies on an ongoing basis to help herself and her clients; and in conjunction with her other trainings and gifts, she shares the wisdom and honor of assisting others in their transformation.

“Into The Heart/ The Polarity of Wholeness.” is Sue’s first book.

The Book can be found at Amazon.com .

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Individual Session Work

Each session is a unique creation bringing together a variety of techniques and elements in order to facilitate personal transformation. Sessions can focus on physical, emotional or spiritual issues which are often interrelated. Through being fully present in our bodies and taking ownership of our own growth process we can make healthier decisions about our lives.

Sessions are $150 per hour and may be done in person in Danvers, Massachusetts or via Zoom. Sessions are available for 30 minutes and are $75 and 90 minutes are $200.  Each individual session may include one or more of the following:

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Spirit Songs
Sue mystically weaves ancient songs into individual sessions. These energetic transmissions help you come back to your natural essence. They are channeled and brought through specifically for you.

Energy Medicine
The body is made up of many different systems. Your energy systems is just as important as your digestive or nervous system. In fact they are all connected. Using a variety of techniques including Full Spectrum Healing, Rhys Method and Chakra balancing, Sue is able to read energy and identify where there is a need for clearing, amplification and reconstruction of the energy body.

Spiritual Guidance
At times in our life we need support on multiple levels. Sue is there as an ally in helping to navigate life’s lessons and growth opportunities. She aligns with positive potential while navigating shadow and emotional pain. She works with loss and grief, life transitions, depression and physical health issues.

Sound Healing
Sound is a powerful tool for awakening and attuning your vibration back into alignment with your soul. Using drums, rattles, bells, and toning, Sue interrupts mind patterns and brings you back into your natural rhythm and into a deeper connection with your body and spirit.

Soul Retrieval
Soul retrieval is an ancient shamanic tradition. The shamanic practitioner changes their state of consciousness in order to access and retrieve ancient wisdom and lost power. During soul retrieval sessions, Sue works with you to discern the particular part in need of being called home. She also facilitates identifying the reason the part was abandoned in order to help anchor the integration.

Individual Ritual Creation
Personalized rituals are a way to anchor your intention and create more ease and momentum in shifting into your new way of being. Rituals are a powerful way to amplify intentions.



Rituals and Ceremonies

Working in the “Non -Ordinary Realm” ritual and sacred ceremony connect you to the rhythms and forces of nature. Everything is conscious and connected. Through bringing intention into the physical realm…. magic and possibility open up and the power to manifest your dreams and spiritual purpose become a reality. Rates for rituals vary, starting at $300 per hour. Please email or call for free 15 minute consultation. Sue offers a variety of rituals and ceremonies including:

Journey Circles
Shamanic Journeying is a tool that has been traditionally used by indigenous shamans for the healing of individuals and communities. This process is available to anyone. Using drums and rattles to shift your consciousness into non-ordinary reality, a trance-like state, Sue guides you in connecting with your own guides, spirits and animal totems. Through journeying you can get answers to personal questions, solve problems, open creativity, see new ways of being in the world and obtain growth information for yourself and others.

Grief Rituals
The loss of a loved one has profound impact. Often, there can be a feeling of not being complete or a need to honor in a more personal way than offered by conventional traditions. Sue works with family and friends to create a personalized ceremony to honor the uniqueness of your loved one. Also, these rituals can offer a source of closure and release when grief has become stuck or there is need for deep healing and forgiveness.

Special Gatherings
The rhythms of nature such as seasons, moon phases and special planetary alignments all are enhanced by community gathering and ritual. Sue follows guidance in creating special rituals for community and global intention.

Elemental Rituals
Drawn from the Dagara Cosmology elemental rituals use the wisdom of earth, water, fire, mineral and nature to create balance and harmony in your life. Anchored in physical acts of intention you can call in what is needed to bring about wholeness and alignment with your center.

Celebration Ceremonies
Gather your community in a unique celebration of the important moments in your life. Often our world has minimized rites of passage and commercialized very personal events. Through customized ceremonies, create the heart-felt experience that really highlights the fullness and brightness of your life and those in your community. Mark important passages such as birthdays, sacred unions, new life paths, name changes, and baby blessings. Sue works with you to create a one of a kind experience.

Customized Rituals
Group and personalized rituals are a powerful way to amplify and anchor intentions into the real world. Sue loves collaborating with communities and individuals to create their own unique experiences for manifestation, healing and change.


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Clearings & Blessings

Shamans believe that everything has energy including objects, land, people, thoughts and actions. As we interact, we leave energy imprints. Our physical spaces hold our intentions and our repeated patterns of thought and action. This energy can either support us or dampen our efforts to create the lives we desire.

During a clearing/blessing Sue consciously shifts the energy of the environment so that it is in alignment with the clients intentions. Through a variety of methods including; saging, holy water, totems, sound and drumming, rattles, shamanic song, and rituals from many ancient indigenous traditions, Sue clears stagnant and old energy and anchors new intentions and a higher vibration.

House Clearings start at $500 for a two hour session plus $50 per hour travel time. Call for pricing on commercial properties.

Types of Clearings and Blessings:

  • Help Your Home Sell with Ease
  • Establish a Harmonious Relationship with Your Land, Home, Office
  • Remove Previous Owner’s/Occupant’s Energy
  • Remove Stagnant Energy and Restoring Flow to Space
  • Support Abundance with Milk & Honey Blessings
  • Install Protection & Crystal Energy Grids



Monthly Calendar

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Upcoming Events, Workshops & Classes

  • Private sessions with Sue At Just Breathe in Westborough
    March 01, 2025 - Westboro, Massachusetts

    “Experience a personalized journey of self-discovery led by Sue Angelo’s intuitive guidance. Each session is a tailored exploration focused on uncovering and dissolving emotional, spiritual, and physical barriers hindering your true potential

  • Shamanic Journey Circle at Wild Rose in Danvers, MA.
    March 09, 2025 - Danvers, MA

    Embark on a exploration of self-discovery through the time-honored tradition of shamanic journeying. Rooted in the practices of indigenous shamans, this transformative circle, guided by Sue, offers a unique opportunity for healing on both individual and communal levels. Immerse yourself in the rhythmic beats of drums and rattles, unlocking the universal ability to connect with personal guides and spirits. Explore the depths of your consciousness to find answers to personal questions, overcome challenges, ignite creativity, and access healing insights. Sue will create a sacred space that will foster your connection to the profound wisdom of the universe. There will be time for reflection and journaling.


Contact Form
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The message you wish to send.

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Contact Details

Location: Danvers, MA

Telephone: 508-654-2808

Email: Sue@sueangelo.com

Questions? Want to Book an Appointment?

Please feel free to call with questions. Appointments are available for private sessions or consultations regarding a ritual, clearing or blessing. Evening and weekend options in addition to weekdays.

Copyright © 2015 Sue Angelo


Ancestor Root



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As I reach down to see the root of my shadow.
Way back to the Ancestor Land.
I see what I have been carrying and honoring for so long..
What really no longer serves me now.
I set that root down and leave it in the ground.
That root has served it’s purpose.
Time to move forward.
Honoring that root and the Owl.
I step forward into the new blossom.
Forward without the old stories and on to the new path.
Susan Angelo 08/23/2015


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Time of Change and Growth

Hello Everyone,
September is here.
Time for change and learning.
Time for gathering and cooking the abundant harvest from the garden.
Time for all the students to head back to school,marking the beginning of a  new year of growth.
Time for Parents to take notice of how much their child has grow and feel the sadness of time moving so quickly.
Times for growth and opportunities that will expand our journeys down this Life Path.
We can use this change and growth to be a creative force in our lives.
How do I want to use this time to build upon my inner strengthens and deepen my growth?
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I have spent the summer integrating all the information from Ireland and my Mom.
I was able to obtain the birth and death certificates for my Mom’s parents.
I could now see my great grandmother’s Name in print: Susan Neylon McLaughlin from Clara Ireland. Connections grow and  I now know more about my roots.
I know about the Irish Roots and I can grow  and transform my inner being.
I can bury what no longer services me in honor and respect.
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Move on with new eyes and openings.
Bringing the Curiosity to my soul that will help me walk in this new way.
Bringing Compassion to my soul that the old ways were hard and the new ways can be different.
Bringing Love to my soul ,that I have been waiting for all my life.
Bringing Gratitude to my soul that I continue to change and grow to stand in a deeper Knowing.
Bringing Abundance to my soul that allows for the flow of life force energy in my being.
Bringing my true authentic self back to me.

I step forward into this Fall Time of abundance and connection with a curious and excited heart.
I wish that you all may embrace this Fall change with the abundance it offers all of us.
Knowing that there are all different emotions with all the different colors at this time.
Many Blessings to you all.
Susan Angelo 09/01/2015

Returning Home

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As I enter Ireland,I placed soil from my Mom’s grave on her homeland.Calling her soul back to Home and eventually my own soul too.I felt immediately safe and comfortable. I have travel to a few places like Italy and Costa Rica and the feeling here was very different. It was magical and carefree. I get magical but carefree is not one of the words to describe myself. I had come to Ireland to understand my Mom and our Ancestors and to heal the wounds between us.

I walked in sacred sites/Forests and did ceremonies around the hurts and scarcities of my family. Laid belly to belly with the Land and shared the sorrows and tears. I felt held by Ireland. I brought a heart shape stick pin from the 80’s that belong to my Mom, which I released into a running creek in a magical forest. It was if I was returning her energetic soul back to her Home Land with the creek washing healing waters over her and my soul. I left a few tears of my own there.

All the Irish folks were very warm and welcoming.There was abundance in food,drink and hospitality. I was surprised and delighted by all.Our bus drive named Brendan helped me connect the family line to different towns.He offered a view/story of Irish Folks,which in turn help me have a different view/story of my Mom and myself.

As I stood in the stone circle at the full moon, I called to all my Ancestors,calling for the healing of all generations 7 forward and 7 back. I called into the wind knowing the request was carried along the stones and the mountain ranges.
As a daughter, the tears streamed down my face,I felt the strengthen of the stone circle and the land.Finally I knew where my Mother got her strength, and courage to continue on in adversity. My Mom kept standing in her power each day like this stone circle stands each day ,no matter how strong the winds blow, they continue to stand strong. My Mom stood strong every day of her life no matter how strong the winds blew.I am honored and grateful to have been her daughter.

I close this writing today with strength and freedom in my heart.
Many Blessings,
Susan Angelo 6/2015

A Daughter’s Heart

Happy May Everyone,
This is the Month ,we celebrate our mothers.May we honor and give thanks to Mother Earth during this month too.
I am very excited to be off to Ireland at the end of the month to walk
labyrinths and do ritual at sacred sites. This trip has been a journey in knowing my Mother’s side of the family. My mom was orphaned at the age of 11 years old.
She became a mom with limited tools.I have spent the last year and half researching her ancestors. It first started when I did a 3 day Ancestor Ceremony and I reconnected my Mom’s Mom’s Mom who I knew absolutely nothing about.Not even her name.
I had asked my Mom in the past “How did I get my name?” You know “I had to be adopted” because no one else had my name in the family. My name is Susan Theresa because lots of folks in the family were named Theresa so she choose Susan then Theresa so I would be different!!!!
During my research I found out that my Great Grandmother’s name is
Susan McLaughlin from Ireland. There was never any mention of her in my lifetime by my Mom who passed in 1993. In a few weeks I will be standing on the land that my Mom’s family came from. I have been sowing the seeds of mending during this last year and half. Here is a writing that came to me during this time.

A Daughter’s Heart

Heartbeats in the womb.
2 Hearts beating as one
Then birth occurs
2 Separate hearts beats
Each growing individually
Mirroring our Daughter’s
Mirroring our Mother’s
Still in Connection.
Susan Angelo 5/2015

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As I journey to Ireland I hold my Mom’s heart in mine and all the mothers from her Ancestors.I hold mending between Mothers and Daughters for 7 generations back and 7 generations forward.For the flame is the bridge of love between Mother and Daughter and I hold the flame brightly.
To know your Ancestors is to know yourself.To know yourself is to know your gifts and heart desires.
Many Blessings as you all travel during this exciting time.
Susan Angelo

Welcome to My Website

Hello Everyone,

I am so glad you came by to visit the website.

Like a flower I have been germinating about this website for 5 years. I planted a seed and have been sowing and watering it all this time. Shamanic Spirit Song has changed and grown.

I am coming up to the first year of being fulltime as an owner of Shamanic Spirit Song. Having left the Medical Field after 31 years of working as a Radiology Technologist. What an amazing growth and stretching time it has been for me. Learning different hats you have to wear as an owner like The Manager, Bookkeeper, Computer Person, Practitioner, Teacher and Student.

My true desire has been to live from my true authentic self and life purpose, which I have fulfilled by working as a practitioner. I reap the rewards by working with folks who want to change and grow and to extend a helping hand.

I have an optimistic attitude about building Shamanic Spirit Song and community, which is my true heart’s desire. To be part of a community where everyone brings their special abilities to create all our possibilities and bringing harmony and balance on this Earth where our spirits are received and rejoiced. To see the life review and breath in and exhale the old patterns and clear the way for the New stories and Spiritual Freedom and a place where we can recognize our own rhythms and we can be in nature and breathe with it.

I am dreaming big with multiply possibilities and receiving the abundance that is offered to me.

This is the seed I have planted in my heart and I hold aspirations of great joy to see this flower bloom.

I am grateful for all the family, friends, and other entrepreneurs who have supported and extended a helping hand to me. I want to thank Trish Blain, for creating the website and helping the flower bloom. Community has helped me water and sow this flower.

Deep Gratitude and Many Blessings.
Sue Angelo, owner of Shamanic Spirit Song